World Link
Update 0.1.1
- >> Added color picker for the base frame, more frames will be added later today (hopefully)
Update 0.1.2
- >> Added Frames (current frames are missing proper color masks so they'll look a bit weird)
- >> Enabled back culling on the frame for visibility
- >> also updated clouds to hopefully look correct in-game (????)
Update 0.1.3
- >> Added Effects (They currently have no previews)
- >> Added platform slider for small avatars (you can also just use avatar scaling)
- >> The camera now gets disabled when not standing in front of the camera for performance
- >> changed some texture settings to reduce the world to 13.8 mb
- >> ( Fixed snow effect to be on the player layer so it actually shows up in the camera
Update 0.1.4
- >> Added custom backdrops
this is a creator economy feature meant to support the world with an added bonus! Tip jars in creator worlds don't typically get much so I'm putting this behind creator economy to reasonably get some support for the work I do.
Additional creator economy features will be added later on such as bonus props, backdrops, effects, and more.
(These will all be fully original assets compared to many of the current assets which are stock images or world screenshots)
- >> Changed the toggle buttons for the backdrops to work as buttons rather than having to move close to them to turn them off and on
Update 0.1.5
>> Added second color selector.
>> Working on the new gui for backdrops i swear
>> Added LIMBO